

沙巴体育公司代表汉密尔顿市收取水费和废水/雨水使用费. The 汉密尔顿市 establishes the water and wastewater/stormwater rates.


所有客户按水表大小每日缴付固定费用,并按月缴付水费. The water use charges vary based on customers’ monthly usage. 将固定服务费和使用费结合起来,可以让客户控制自己的账单,并激励客户节约用水.

2024年汉密尔顿市的费率支持预算反映了市议会对实施可持续融资计划的持续承诺,该计划为所需的维护工作提供资金,同时为客户保持可承受的费率. Click below to find more information on the 2024年费率预算.

For information about your water meter or water bill, please visit our 常见问题page or 沙巴体育

水表维护请联系 汉密尔顿市.


以下是1月1日生效的汉密尔顿市供水和污水处理服务用户收费, 2024.

For information about your water meter or water bill, please visit our 常见问题page or 沙巴体育
水表维护请联系 汉密尔顿市




你知道吗?许多人花在漏水水龙头上的钱比花在做饭和饮用水上的钱还多? For general information about simple steps to detect water leaks, please visit 高水费账单的常见原因. 有关漏水信息和提示,请阅读我们的 漏水检测指南 或访问 汉密尔顿市关于漏水的信息.


The 汉密尔顿市’s 泄漏保护计划 covers qualifying leaks up to $3,000元,每24个月为可能因家居水管漏水而引致意外水费开支的住宅客户提供. 所有的房主, 包括住宅租赁物业, 谁拥有自己的水表是由汉密尔顿市的漏水调整政策.

Information on the Policy guidelines, qualifications and application form is available at www.汉密尔顿.ca /泄漏.



Want to avoid expensive repairs to your pipes and sewage system? 这条规则会对你有所帮助. 冲洗湿巾、卫生棉条、垃圾、食物残渣、纸巾和其他东西会备份你的系统. 这些东西会聚集在一起,堵塞你的管道. Avoid unnecessary repairs and only flush the 3 Ps: pee, poo, and toilet paper. 

汉密尔顿的访问 可冲洗 浏览更多信息.

If it’s not rain/melted snow, don’t let it go into catch basins/storm sewers!

Catch basins and storm sewers are like your household drains. You cannot put garbage, chemicals, fertilizer, or other things into them. If you put wastes into these drains, you are polluting natural bodies of water. The water from these sewers flows directly into lakes, rivers, and streams. Protect our environment by following these simple rules:

  • 把宠物垃圾扔进垃圾桶 
  • Do not dump anything into the catch basins – it is for stormwater only 
  • Keep lawn fertilizer off hard surfaces like driveways or sidewalks 
  • Properly dispose of household chemicals and hazardous wastes at a 社区 Recycling Centre 
  • 不用软管清洗人行道和车道 
  • 沙巴体育官网平台通过清扫和适当处理任何碎片或堆积物来清理你家前面的集水池 
  • Do not sweep yard waste/grass clippings onto the street or into catch basins – instead, 把它扫进院子里的垃圾箱里     

For more ways you can help protect the environment please visit 汉密尔顿’s 污染防治 page.



《沙巴体育》第398(2)条允许汉密尔顿市将未付水费添加到业主的税单中, even if it is a rental and the owner does not live there. Although tenants get the bills, property owners must pay any outstanding water fees.  这些未付费用将被添加到税单中,并根据市政法第1节的规定具有优先留置权, 2001.

To assist property owners who direct water and wastewater billings to a tenant, 沙巴体育公司尽力在逾期30个日历日通知业主租户/帐户持有人的欠款. 如果该账户仍未支付, 当欠费超过到期日期60个日历日时,欠费将被添加到物业的税单中.


汉密尔顿 City Council approved changes to the water billing policy.  所有在6月1日或之后开立的居民账户, 2018, 必须以业主的名义填写, 不是房客的. 沙巴体育, 作为本市的水费计费代理, 会否接受租客及其他非业主的付款.  然而,业主有责任确保租户按时支付账单.

Existing accounts billed in the tenant’s name(s) will remain until they move out. Once they move, Alectra will put the water account in the property owner’s name(s). 沙巴体育公司将把水费账单邮寄到业主在财产税上列出的地址. To update mailing address information, contact the 汉密尔顿市’s Taxation office. 



市政工作人员和授权代理人可能需要进入物业进行维护工作,并且必须能够访问仪表以读取和收集数据. When it is not possible to get access through a tenant, they will contact the property owner.

If the city can’t access and read the water meter through the owner or tenant, the water bills will follow the charges protocol explained above. 沙巴体育公司需要业主的联系信息,以避免在税单上增加未付或无法读取的水表费用. 

沙巴体育 needs property owners’ contact information, 包括通讯地址, 电话号码(s), 和电子邮件地址. The property owner must make sure that we have their current address to get updates. 请 沙巴体育 or the 汉密尔顿市’s taxation office to update your address. 

The 汉密尔顿市’s taxation office contact information:

邮政信箱2040 Stn LCD 1,
L8N 0 a3


在汉密尔顿购买房地产? 以下是你需要知道的

Water and Property Tax 计费 Considerations at Closing

The 汉密尔顿市 recognizes that transferring ownership of a home or business is complex, 这个过程的一部分是确保卖家能够支付市政水电费和/或市政财产税. No buyer wants to be on the hook for another person’s unpaid bills – but it can happen.

For 汉密尔顿 properties serviced with municipal water and wastewater services:

卖家 should contact the City’s water billing agent, 沙巴体育 @ 1-833-ALECTRA (1-833-253-2872)提供转递地址及迁离日期. By doing so, Alectra can then forward the final water invoice to the new address.

买家 应该联系Alectra,告知他们的入住日期,并提供联系信息,以便将来通信. 请注意,所有住宅账户必须以物业注册业主的名义开立和结算, 而不是任何房客的名字.

此外,买家应该向Alectra提出要求 拖欠证书 (适用费用为$16.该文件将提供水费帐户的支付状态,并将告知该帐户是否基于估计读数.

该证书指出,账户将根据最终水费发票进行调整. 重要的是,最终的发票必须基于关闭日期的实际水表读数(水表读数可以沙巴体育官网平台通过电话或沙巴体育官网平台通过电子邮件提交给Alectra) 在线表单. 未开票的消耗是在取得实际读数时财产所有人的责任.

向物业提供供水和污水处理服务, 不是一个人, 并受《体育竞猜平台官网》管制. 该法案授权市政当局收取未付的费用和收费,方法是将其添加到接受服务的财产的市政税收账单中.

谨慎的做法是,买方应向卖方扣留资金,以确保最终的水费发票得到支付. Unpaid water arrears are transferred to the property tax roll, 60后发票到期日期,因此, an unpaid final water invoice would become the responsibility of the buyer. 买家可以联系Alectra确认最终发票是否已经发出,是否已经付款.

买家 should review what is – and what is not – covered under title insurance policies. Some policies have an exclusion built in for final meter reading charges.


购买税单(2023年费用= $68.10)强烈建议确定财产的税务状况,并确保在结账前清除欠款. Other important items to be aware of to facilitate a more efficient closing includes:

  • 如果在网上或银行缴纳房产税, 请确保所使用的卷号不包括邮寄税单上卷号前面的汉密尔顿市的“2518”(网上购买的税单没有“2518”作为卷号的一部分)。. 请 only use the 11 digits after the 2518, as follows: 2518020-151-05540-0000
  • The pre-authorized payment plan is linked to the property. 像这样, 卖方必须取消已售物业的预授权付款,如果他们希望恢复新物业的预授权付款,则需要重新申请. The City requires two weeks written notice to stop pre-authorized withdrawals. 取消表格可于以下网址索取 www.汉密尔顿.ca / payyourpropertytax “更改预先授权借记计划”. If the City is not provided with sufficient notice and a withdrawal is made after the closing, 退款将不予发放. 卖方将被指示让他们的律师重新调整财产税,以考虑额外的提款.
  • 市政府将不会对未来的出售日期或卖方律师收到的所有权变更采取行动, 除非该请求附有转让契约. 像这样, 只有在交易完成后,沙巴体育官网平台通过转让契约或买方律师的通知,才会进行所有权变更.

如有任何有关物业税的查询,请联络: taxsupport@汉密尔顿.ca or 城市(905)546 - (2489).

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